My laptop suddenly turned off, losing all of my unsaved data as a result. I googled the problem immediately, but I found the same problem instead of a concrete solution of this computer-turns-off issue. Here's an example of what I gathered:
"Some would say it's overheating, but I don't think so, since it has a nice cooling and it didn't change from some time to now. I (just wonder, no clue) think it could be some voltage issue, some hard disk problem, power cable issue, possibly some wire overheating (!?!), maybe too many devices connected to the power socket. Could his be caused by any BIOS configuration? By the way, it's running with no memory or processor overclock."
A friend of mine told me that laptop's battery is sometimes problematic. In fact, the power icon of my laptop has a red "x" mark indicating that it is not charging. The reality however, is that it is functioning normally and useful within 20 minutes.
Annoyed, I made an experiment: I removed my laptop's battery and my laptop-turns-off-suddenly problem found a solution. It never went back.
"Some would say it's overheating, but I don't think so, since it has a nice cooling and it didn't change from some time to now. I (just wonder, no clue) think it could be some voltage issue, some hard disk problem, power cable issue, possibly some wire overheating (!?!), maybe too many devices connected to the power socket. Could his be caused by any BIOS configuration? By the way, it's running with no memory or processor overclock."
A friend of mine told me that laptop's battery is sometimes problematic. In fact, the power icon of my laptop has a red "x" mark indicating that it is not charging. The reality however, is that it is functioning normally and useful within 20 minutes.
Annoyed, I made an experiment: I removed my laptop's battery and my laptop-turns-off-suddenly problem found a solution. It never went back.